Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

kereta api, replika

ukuran :
panjang 72 cm
lebar 11 cm
tinggi 16 cm
bahan : kaca, kayu, karton, pilok

buatan : asep edi
post: lisfr

Senin, 24 November 2008

Fwd: Removed attachments: text0.htm

Removed attachments:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 08561501474@mobile.indosat.net.id
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:56:57 +0700
Subject: Removed attachments: text0.htm
To: lisfres@gmail.com


situ panjalu di lihat dari atas bukit/perkampungan atas

Minggu, 23 November 2008


Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

I use emoze as my mobile email service...
Go to http://go.emoze.com and download it for free.

Pulang kampung

I use emoze as my mobile email service...
Go to http://go.emoze.com and download it for free.

[emoze has removed attachments]

Minggu, 08 Juni 2008

I use emoze as my mobile email service...
Go to http://go.emoze.com and download it for free.

Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

rumah panggung

Gambar ini merupakan miniatur rumah panggung Jawa Barat. Berukuran 20
cm x 20 cm rumah panggung utama yg terdiri 2 km tidur dan ruang serba
guna. 10 cm x 10 cm, pawon (pahawuan/dapur). Ukuran km mandi 7,5 cm x
15 cm dan sumur air berdiameter 5 cm. (miniatur rmh masih dlm

I use emoze as my mobile email service...
Go to http://go.emoze.com and download it for free.


I use emoze as my mobile email service...
Go to http://go.emoze.com and download it for free.